Some smart switches require a datacomm signal between switches, that'd most likely be red.Switched-hot goes from the "master" smart switch to the lamps, using whichever wire color is left.You can add up to 3 or 4 switches in this fashion if you like by using a 3 or 4 gang switch box (within the. Neutral goes to every switch location and every lamp, and use White. Wiring multiple lights to multiple switches is similar to the basic light switch configuration except for the hot and neutral power lines are split in the box to go to two or more independent lighting circuits as shown in the diagram.Always-hot goes to every switch location, and use Black.What's unique about smart switches is we toss out the goofy schemes and oddball wire functions found in traditional 3-way wiring. but there's at least one out there that'll Git-r-Done for you. There is a huge variety of smart switches, and we're not a "Shop For Me" site. This is a different kind of smart, where we toss traditional 3-way wiring into the dumpster of history, and go with "Smart Switches". You cannot feed a second lamp from this location. But in this case, this will only make you realize you can't get there from here. You can stop and train up on wiring and 3-way circuits. You are simply grabbing the 2 wires (and ground) supplying the first lamp, and paralleling it to a second lamp. Remove the switch cover and remove the old switch. So the simple way to do an end-run around all that complexity is supply the second lamp from the first lamp's location. Steps for connecting multiple wireless light switches: Start by shutting off the power at the main breaker. The traveler wires are spliced at the fixture box to run between the traveler terminals on the two 3-ways, they are not connected to the light. The common terminal on SW2 is connected to the hot terminal on the light. The hot source wire is connected to the common terminal on SW1. The simple wayģ-way circuits have several tricks and traps, and you can't get anywhere with them unless you really understand how the circuit functions, how switches are designed, and I really, really recommend wires be marked by function with colored tape. Three-wire cable runs between each switch and the light fixture. You can't just pick any random point and fork a lamp off that.